NCE Strategy and Research
Client: National Capital Authority, Canberra
Year: 2016 - 2017
The suite of documents created for the National Capital Exhibition includes interpretation strategy, market research and assessment.
Interpretation Strategy
Full document: National Capital Exhibition Interpretive Strategy and Curatorial Story, 2017.
This strategy document details the NCE’s mission, overarching interpretive strategy including themes, hierarchy of key messages, communication methods and curatorial story for the National Capital Exhibition, Canberra.Authored by Dr Toni Roberts for Studio Mether and the National Capital Authority. Graphic Design by Studio Tweed.
Market Research
Full document: Market Research: A review of educational tourism relevant to the NCE renewal, 2016.
This report documents research into the offerings of 12 educational tourism destinations in the capital.
Particular areas of focus relevant to the National Capital Exhibition project are:
federation as the foundation for Canberra
recognition and stories of Indigenous people in the Canberra area
Authored by Toni Roberts for Studio Mether and the National Capital Authority. Graphic design by Studio Tweed.
Exhibition Assessment
Full document: National Capital Exhibition Assessment, 2016.
This report provides detailed analysis and evaluation of the existing National Capital Exhibition.
Key points of focus include:
interpretive messaging
visitor flow
​Authored by Dr Toni Roberts for Studio Mether and the National Capital Authority. Graphic Design by Studio Tweed.